amazing individuals, great company, incredible work
Meg Mueller
Client Development Leader
University of Cincinnati
Bachelor of Business Administration
People manager of client development team
Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber C-Change
Commercial Real Estate Women
Urban Land Institute
why did you choose to join schaefer?
I like making meaningful connections that drive Schaefer’s overall growth.
what book have you found to be the most helpful to your career?
I like American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company because it tells the story of how Ford overcame huge obstacles and reinvented itself during a very tumultuous 2008.

Meg, good to see what you are up to. When things get back to normal, let me know when you have availability for a lunch meeting. It has been a while since we have had lunch on the boat at Four Seasons. Hope all is well for you.
Thanks for reaching out! Meg will be in touch via email.