amazing individuals, great company, incredible work
Georgia Institute of Technology
Master of Science, Civil Engineering
Louisiana State University
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
Licensed professional engineer in Ohio, Kentucky + Georgia
Steel + masonry design leader
Joined Schaefer in 2008
Volunteer for Girl Scouts
what has been your most satisfying experience on the job?
The most satisfying part of my job is working alongside great people. I get to work with everyone from more experienced engineers who are always willing to impart some wisdom, to younger engineers who are eager to learn.
what has been your favorite project?
My favorite project is whatever project I’m working on now. Every new project has something different which provides a challenge and opportunity to learn something new.
My favorite building type is load bearing masonry structures. This building type is popular for public projects (schools, fire stations) as well as retail structures. I have worked on these more than any other type; being able to develop my expertise on this material has been rewarding.