amazing individuals, great company, incredible work
Cincinnati State Technical + Community College
Civil Engineering Technology
Provides annual alpha + beta testing for Autodesk
Guest speaker at BIM seminars
Joined Schaefer in 1997
Cincinnati BIM User Group
what has been your favorite project?
One of my most memorable projects was Talawanda High School; it was Schaefer’s first integrated project delivery (IPD) project. The entire team worked together from conception through construction to determine the best process for the rare delivery method.
what has been your most suprising/exciting experience at Schaefer?
From the first time I learned about Revit and Building Information Modeling (BIM), I felt it would change the industry. I pushed myself to learn as much as possible; it is exciting to model the design in 3D and see it come to life. We decided as a firm to fully commit to the software, investing the time and effort it took for us to become a Revit leader.