Staff Spotlight: Howard Harris, PE, SE, LEED GA

We welcome Howard Harris as a project manager + the newest member of Schaefer’s structural engineering team.

1. Favorite thing to do off the clock?

I enjoy gardening in my free time.

2. Most prized possession/what you couldn’t live without (outside of family and friends)?

I can’t live without my enormous book collection.

3. What are your hobbies?

I enjoy weight + cardio training.

4. What would you do with $1 million?

I would design + build my own home.

5. What’s your signature dish to cook for family and friends?

I make a mean butternut squash + black bean enchilada.

6. If you weren’t a structural engineer what would you be?

I would become a carpenter.

7. Quote to live by.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

8. What is a skill that you don’t have, but wish you did?

I wish I knew multiple languages.

9. What industry book have you read that has been most helpful to your career?

A book that I found helpful is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig.

10. What market/material is your specialty and why?

I have extensive experience designing tall steel buildings + working with steel materials.


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