amazing individuals, great company, incredible work

Jordan Hill
Senior Graphic Designer
[ she | her | hers ]


The Ohio State University

Bachelor of Arts, Strategic Communication + Business Marketing


Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Lightroom, After Effects + Premiere Pro

Recipient | Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Arch City Marketer Award

Leader | Communicators Director for SMPS Columbus (2019-2020)


Society for Marketing Professional Services

what inspired you to pursue marketing?

I have always loved communicating creatively – whether through art, design or writing. As a graphic designer, I have the opportunity to communicate ideas in bold, fun and memorable ways. In today’s fast-paced culture, most people only have moments to digest information – I love being able to help shape those moments.

why are you proud to work for Schaefer?

Schaefer is a top-notch company in all that we do. We don’t settle for marketing like the rest of the crowd; we want to do it better and do it first. There is always room to bring new, creative ideas to the table. I know that I am always given the support I need to try new things, and I’m inspired by the talented, hardworking people on my team.

Jordan Hill
contact me here
or call me at 614.428.4400