Learn more about Robert Rogers, who’s in the engineering department on the Cincinnati, Ohio team.
1. What do you want to accomplish in the next five years?
I plan to continue Schaefer’s efforts to have a significant, positive impact on our profession, in our communities and in the built environment.
2. What about Schaefer makes you jump out of bed in the morning?
I have the opportunity to make an impact, and to continue to grow as a person and a professional.
3. What have you read that has been most helpful to your career?
My reading is more article-oriented; I’m an avid reader of the Harvard Business Review and Wall Street Journal.
4. What is a skill that you don’t have, but wish you did?
I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument, preferably piano.
5. What would you sing at karaoke?
If I find myself at a karaoke bar, I’ll sing “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell.
6. Quote to live by.
Probably all of Schaefer (and many of our clients) know my favorite quote, “Every day is a holiday, every night is New Year’s Eve!”
7. What’s on your bucket list?
Buckets are too heavy to carry; I try to be thankful for each and every day and live that way.
8. Meet my family.
My wife, Kim, was a communications major who took me on as a senior project and then couldn’t shake me. My son, Rob, is a true renaissance man; he’s a hard science guy with a great appreciation for the arts. My daughter, Heather, who will always be my little girl, is a mathematical wiz with an art history minor and a flair for fashion.
9. What’s your signature dish to cook for family and friends?
I make delicious pancakes. I also cook chili for Schaefer’s Chili Cook-Off.
10. Describe Schaefer in three words.
Really great people.