Staff Spotlight: Robert Rogers, PE, SE

Learn more about Robert Rogers, who’s in the engineering department on the Cincinnati, Ohio team.

1. What do you want to accomplish in the next five years?

I plan to continue Schaefer’s efforts to have a significant, positive impact on our profession, in our communities and in the built environment.

2. What about Schaefer makes you jump out of bed in the morning?

I have the opportunity to make an impact, and to continue to grow as a person and a professional.

3. What have you read that has been most helpful to your career?

My reading is more article-oriented; I’m an avid reader of the Harvard Business Review and Wall Street Journal.

4. What is a skill that you don’t have, but wish you did?

I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument, preferably piano.

5. What would you sing at karaoke?

If I find myself at a karaoke bar, I’ll sing “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell.

6. Quote to live by.

Probably all of Schaefer (and many of our clients) know my favorite quote, “Every day is a holiday, every night is New Year’s Eve!”

7. What’s on your bucket list?

Buckets are too heavy to carry; I try to be thankful for each and every day and live that way.

8. Meet my family.

My wife, Kim, was a communications major who took me on as a senior project and then couldn’t shake me. My son, Rob, is a true renaissance man; he’s a hard science guy with a great appreciation for the arts. My daughter, Heather, who will always be my little girl, is a mathematical wiz with an art history minor and a flair for fashion.

9. What’s your signature dish to cook for family and friends?

I make delicious pancakes. I also cook chili for Schaefer’s Chili Cook-Off.

10. Describe Schaefer in three words.

Really great people.


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